Summary of the British Standard BS 7036-1996
BS 7036:1996 is the Code of Practice for Safety at Powered Doors for Pedestrian Use.
Part 4: Low energy Doors:
Low energy swing Doors are usually installed without Door mounted safety because the low kinetic energy levels are not considered dangerous.
The use of low energy Doors with out safety sensors should only be considered where the specifier's Hazard & Risk Assessment concludes it is safe to do so. Because the drive force is limited, low energy drives are not generally suitable for use on external Doors or those otherwise exposed to wind or pressure differences.
Safety during the opening and closing cycle:
- The maximum static entrapment force should not exceed 67N when applied 25mm from the leading or meeting stile of the Door
- Maximum Kinetic energy level should be limited to 1.6Joules.
- If Automatic activation devices are fitted they should be activated:
- 1400 mm from the Door measured perpendicular to the plane of the closed Door, where the Door opens away from the user.
- 1400 mm from the leading edge of the Door in the fully open position when the Door opens towards the user.
- The Door hold open time should be set to 5 seconds or higher to suit the users requirements
Finger Traps:
- Finger trap protection should be fitted.
Means of Escape:
- If Doors are on an escape route they should open in direction of escape.
- Force required to open Door manually should be less than 90N at the leading stile.