Summary of the British Standard BS 7036-1996
BS 7036:1996 is the Code of Practice for Safety at Powered Doors for Pedestrian Use.
Part 5: Revolving Doors
For revolving Doors the hazards and risks can be greater than for other types of Doors and extra care should be taken when considering their use.
Section 1 – General Safety during the opening cycle:
- The maximum speed should not be greater than 750mm per second at the outer edge of Door leaf, a reference table is provided
- When a stop signal is given a revolving Door should stop within 5.7 degrees of rotation
- Leading mullions should have a 25mm rubber buffer fitted
- Gap between Door leaf edge and drum wall should be at least 30mm
- Activation of the Door should start when the user is 1400mm from a stationary Door and 750mm if the Door is already turning at slow speed
- The speed of Door should be adjusted to keep the kinetic energy values below 10 Joules at operating speed and 0.17 Joules in slow speed
- Max static entrapment force is 150 Newtons (approx15kg)
- Keep clear sign should be fitted to each Door leaf
- Where fitted the resistance to breakout should not be greater than 220N at the outer edge of Door leaf.
Section 2 – For Doors less than 3000m diameter
- Leading mullion should be fitted with safety buffer or presence sensor to stop the Door if activated.
- If the specifier’s Hazard and risk analysis indicates - safety from section 3 should be fitted where possible.
Section 3 – For Doors greater than 3000m diameter:
- Presence sensor to stop the Door if activated. Active when Door 500mm from mullion
- Door leaves should have presence se sensors protecting the Door face to slow Door if activated.
- Doors should be fitted with presence se sensors scanning the leading edge of the leaf to stop Door if activated.
- Bottom rail of Door leaves should have rubber buffers fitted and device to stop Door if contacted
- An emergency stop bottom is required
- If Door leaves can be folded a locking device (storm lock) may be required to prevent Doors from folding under pressure from wind
- If Door leaves can be folded a sensor should stop the Door rotation when folded beyond 15 degrees
- If the gap between bottom of Door central core and floor is greater than 10mm a sensor should be fitted to stop the Door if activated