ZED Automation's Automatic Door Safety and Performance Upgrades offer intelligent Equipment upgrades for your changing needs from improved safety and compliance to the current regulations to automating an existing manual sliding or swing door.
As Technology advances and safety regulations change. ZED Automation Automatic Doors upgrade options will keep your Automatic Doors on the cutting edge of both safety and operating efficiency.
ZED Automation’s sliding Automatic Doors operator and sensor upgrades are a very cost-effective way of ensuring that your Automatic Doors are operating optimally in terms of safety, performance and energy-efficiency while maximising the operating life.
ZED Automation's Universal Automatic Sliding Doors Operator Upgrade Kit
Our Automatic Sliding Door upgrade kit based on the Cutting Edge CSL control unit retro fits your existing automatic sliding door operator with the latest technology in full compliance with En16005 and BS7036 to meet the safety, performance and efficiency requirements of your Automatic Doors for the future.
CSL Product Specifications
It allows ZED Automation Automatic Doors Engineers to replace the drive unit, control unit and transmission components while retaining the original mechanical parts, support beam and cover, resulting in considerable savings compared to the purchase of new Automatic Doors Operators. This solution extends the operating life of your Automatic Doors by effectively giving you a new Automatic Door for a fraction of the full replacement costs of a new Automatic Door Operator.
The CSL Control Unit fully supports dual motor operation with full redundancy in compliance with the Escape Route guidelines of IS EN16005
Automatic Doors Activation, Safety Presence Sensor and Finger Trap Upgrades
We offer a wide range of BEA sensors that allow older Automatic Doors in Ireland of any make or model to be fitted with the latest fully tested activation and safety sensors, ensuring that your Automatic Doors are compliant with the Health and Safety requirements in Ireland and the BS7036 as well as IS EN16005 Standards